SHE/HE/THEY/WE: Gender Identities *gender diversity *individual freedoms *self-expression *visibility *LGBTQI* *open spaces
Both in Germany and in Israel, the last years have been marked by a revolution in the perception of gender identities. Young people are asking themselves in an ever-younger age about the manifestation of their sex, gender, tendencies and preferences and are leading courageously to a more open discourse, social engagement and public recognition. Organizations and projects working with the LGBTQI* community have there also gained more space in German-Israeli exchanges over the past years, and are leading programs meant to connect between members of the community and its allies from both countries, thus contributing to a global open society that acknowledges and celebrates all the colours of the rainbow.
LGBTQI* Leadership & Activism A German-Israeli Encounter for LGBTQI* Rights

A youth encounter in Israel and Germany, bringing together LGBTQI* youth- and allies of the LGBTQI* community in order to provide them with practical tools, knowhow and skills to become leaders & multiplicators in their communities and countries. The program will build on the contributions of its participants, allowing them to develop an agenda and methodology, thereby strengthening their leadership skills. Its main goal is to establish a common ground, where matters relevant for the visibility of the LGBTQI* community in both countries will be discussed and where the participants’ personal experiences will be a tool for exchange but also a basis for joint action.