READY-SET-GIVE: Social Engagement *political participation *activism *democracy *volunteering *youth leadership *civic service *initiative

Jugendliche aus Deutschland und Israel stehen im Kreis während eines Kennenlernspiels

Across social-, geographical-, and thematic borders, young people are taking ever more responsibilities, holding decision makers to account and are looking for ways – traditionally, as through politics, but also innovatively, through social medias and private initiatives – to change the world for the better. Participating in a German-Israeli encounter is already form of engagement, demonstrating a level of interest, a will to go beyond ones familiar limits and to explore different realities and environments.

Peace by Pieces A German-Israeli Youth Encounter about Shared Spaces & Realities

Jugendliche aus Deutschland und Israel präsentieren ein gemeinsames Projekt auf einer Jugendkonferenz

This project is an art-based German-Israeli youth exchange, which relies on the creation of a mutual project. It would equip its participants with tools to work towards a better understanding of their similarities and differences, to solve conflicts in their daily lives and to promote tolerance in their societies. It will do so using workshops for conflict management, excursions to projects and places who engage with co-existence and the participants’ own biographies, ideas and experiences.